Robby Cash


Robby Cash is an experienced music producer and audio engineer from Columbus, OH.​ He has been credited globally on over 75 musical releases, executively producing seven projects for five artists.

Robby Cash separates himself from other producers through his unique ability to empathize and connect with artists on a personal level, which he views as his first and most important role as a producer.

Credited Releases



Robby Cash is an experienced music producer and audio engineer from Columbus, OH.​ He has been credited globally on over 75 musical releases, executively producing seven projects for five artists.

Robby Cash separates himself from other producers through his unique ability to empathize and connect with artists on a personal level, which he views as his first and most important role as a producer.

Cash earned a Bachelor's Degree in Music Production from Full Sail University, completed The Recording Workshop's CORE program, and has been professionally producing and engineering since 2016. He's worked with artists globally in various capacities that include custom production, mixing, mastering, session tracking, marketing, writing assistance, artistic direction and more.

Robby Cash is a deeply passionate, caring and insightful individual who places great value in the relationships he builds through collaboration. His ability to relate with artists on a personal level provides him with a skillset and advantage other producers lack. Cash views the art he produces as a byproduct of the relationships he develops with collaborators, rather than the other way around. Robby Cash takes great pride in all of his work and the art he's been lucky enough to be part of, but he takes even more pride in the relationships he's built with individuals he never would have met if not for music.

In addition to freelance production and engineering, Robby Cash currently works as a sound engineer for 80s rock cover band Katie and the Red Hots, as well as a sales associate and audio specialist for Sound Ideas, a pro audiovisual company.